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UFO Encounter:Up Close and Personal


This photo of a much younger me with an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in the sky behind was taken sometime around 1980. I had been cross-country skiing on our property in Ashton, Ontario and didn’t notice the UFO until the film was developed. There had been UFO reported sightings in nearby areas.

A closer look.

I’ve always had an interest in UFOs. My good friend Tina and I used to drive out on country roads at night hoping to spot one. Over the years I attended various UFO meetings, which usually had one or two military officers in attendance to monitor these events. Others shared their personal stories of contact with UFOs and in some cases gave detailed descriptions of their abductions.

There appears to be a recent resurgence of interest in UFOs. I have no doubt that they exist and that other life forms in the Universe have been contacting people on our planet for many years. Recently, I read two intriguing books about UFOs: Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base by Annie Jacobsen and Sage-ing While Age-ing by Shirley MacLaine. Both books claim that Area 51 Engineers are reverse engineering alien spacecraft. In other words, engineers are taking apart alien spacecraft that they have captured, piece by piece and that they are putting them back together to learn from the alien specie’s advanced technology.

This information has been confirmed by many people who either worked at Area 51 or were involved in Top Secret related projects, including top military brass. I believe that this information is being made public now to prepare us for the inevitable —the fact that other inhabited planets do exist and that alien life forms regularly communicate with and visit our planet. I have been to Area 51 in Nevada, at least as close as the military allows, and saw how secure the area is with military patrols that watch unwanted visitors through binoculars.

Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! Some of you readers may have your own UFO tales to share. We would love to hear your story! Click on the bubble that appears to the left of the article and that will open the comment box for you.

Until the next time…look up…look way, way up!

Ghostbuster Bev

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